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Latitude Lanza su Primer Programa de Intercambio Curatorial



Latitude, la plataforma de difusión de las galerías de arte brasileñas en el extranjero, ha creado una asociación con GRI – Getty Research Institute para su primera convocatoria abierta para que curadores brasileños o extranjeros residentes en Brasil participen en un programa internacional de investigación y práctica curatorial en su sede en Los Ángeles (California, Estados Unidos).

Aplicaciones: hasta el 8 de noviembre de 2018.

Anuncio: diciembre de 2018.

Esta alianza internacional ha sido planeada por Latitude, una iniciativa de la Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea – ABACT (Asociación Brasileña de Arte Contemporáneo), en asociación con la Agencia Brasileña de Promoción de Inversiones y Comercio (Apex-Brasil). Latitude promueve la producción artística e intelectual brasileña a nivel internacional, fomentando la difusión cultural y brindando capacitación técnica y oportunidades para fortalecer las relaciones entre los profesionales brasileños y las instituciones internacionales.

“Estamos encantados de iniciar un programa tan anhelado y planeado para ofrecer a los curadores brasileños la oportunidad de un intercambio internacional. El programa de intercambio curatorial marca un hito en la historia de Latitude en sus esfuerzos de ya una década por internacionalizar el mercado de arte de Brasil», dijo Luciana Brito, presidenta de la ABACT.

El Getty Research Institute busca un candidato que ya esté investigando sobre arte contemporáneo brasileño, y cuya investigación tenga relación con su acervo, el cual se puede revisar en su archivo digital de Colecciones Especiales.


Las solicitudes para el programa de intercambio de investigación curatorial son gratuitas y están limitadas a una propuesta por curador. Los candidatos deben ser fluidos en el idioma inglés; demostrar conocimiento de la historia del arte brasileño con un enfoque en la producción contemporánea; tener experiencia previa en curaduría; y ser ciudadano brasileño o residir en Brasil por al menos 5 años.

El curador seleccionado recibirá una beca y el programa también cubrirá los vuelos internacionales hacia y desde Los Ángeles (desde y hacia Brasil) en clase económica, así como un seguro de viaje, durante la duración del programa. Al final del programa, el curador debe regresar a Brasil para compartir un informe del resultado y la experiencia del proyecto en una presentación pública, así como un informe detallado que se entregará a la ABACT. La presentación pública debe realizarse entre el 27 de julio y el 3 de agosto de 2019, en São Paulo, Brasil.

Más información aquí



Latitude – Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad announces partnership with the GRI – Getty Research Institute for their first open call for curators to participate in an international research and curatorial practice program.

Applications: until 8 November 2018

Announcement: December 2018

This international partnership was planned by Latitude – Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad, an initiative of Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea – ABACT (Brazilian Association of Contemporary Art), in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). Latitude promotes Brazilian artistic and intellectual production internationally, encouraging cultural diffusion while providing technical training and opportunities to strengthen relationships between Brazilian professionals and international institutions.

“We are thrilled to kick off a so longed and planned program to offer Brazilian curators the opportunity of an international exchange. The Curatorial Exchange program marks a milestone in Latitude’s history of a decade’s worth of efforts towards internationalising Brazil’s art market”, said Luciana Brito, President of ABACT


Applications for the curatorial research exchange program are free of charge and limited to one proposal per curator. Candidates must be fluent in the English language; be able to demonstrate knowledge of the history of Brazilian art with a focus on contemporary production; have past experience in curatorship; be either a Brazilian citizen or residing in Brazil for at least 5 years.

The selected curator will receive a bursary and the program will also cover international flights to and from Los Angeles (from and to Brazil) in economy class, as well as travel insurance, for the duration of the program. By the end of the program the curator must return to Brazil to share a report of the project outcome and experience in a public presentation, as well as in a detailed report to be delivered to ABACT. The public presentation must take place between 27 July to 3 August 2019, in São Paulo, Brazil.

About Latitude

Latitude – Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad is a program developed to promote Brazil’s contemporary art market internationally. Created in 2007, in 2011 it became a partnership between Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea – ABACT (Brazilian Association of Contemporary Art) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) with the goal of creating business opportunities for the sector abroad, mainly through professional training, support for international placement and cultural and commercial promotion. As a requirement to become a member of ABACT, all participating galleries must work in the primary market. While it is not mandatory for ABACT members to join Latitude, at the moment its entire membership of 49 galleries has opted to take part in the project. These galleries are located across eight different Brazilian states and represent more than 1000 contemporary artists. Latitude aims to generate opportunities in the art world abroad, through funding, supporting and promoting the international insert, both commercially and culturally.


Over the past 10 years of activity, the number of businesses participating in Latitude has grown from 5 to 49 and includes the country’s leading galleries. In order to attend a variety of demands, from art galleries in different levels of professionalisation, the project offers support to its gallery participants across different programs. The exports of galleries participating in Latitude have grown significantly in the past years. While in 2007, the total of exports by these galleries was US$ 6 million, by 2015, this had grown to US$ 70 million – close to double than the year before. In 2016, the galleries participating in Latitude represented 41% of the total exports in this sector in Brazil.

Since April 2011, when ABACT took over the leadership of Latitude in collaboration with Apex-Brasil, nearly 50 initiatives took place across 26 international art fairs, with approximately 300 sources of funding offered to Latitude participating galleries. Throughout this same period, Latitude has brought around 220 international curators, institution directors, collectors, art writers and journalists from more than 15 countries to visit and become familiar with the art scene in Brazil via 20 Art Immersion Trips, creating opportunities for future business, projects and collaborations. Latitude has also organised and published five editions of its renowned sectorial survey, a thorough study mapping the current Brazilian primary art market.

More info here

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